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Daphne Soares - PI

Daphne Soares received her PhD in neuroscience and cognitive sciences from the University of Maryland in 2002.






Grace Capshaw

I am interested in sensory and behavioral adaptation due to fluctuating environmental conditions, such as the influence of ambient noise level on foraging and communication behaviors. I am also interested in the use of multimodal integration as a mechanism to overcome environmental constraints on sensory guided behavior. My current research investigates hearing adaptation in salamander populations occupying ecologically disparate habitat types, including caves and surface streams

Past Lab Members

Amy Streets

I am an ecology/evolutions and physical science major, with concentrations in geology, meteorology, and math. I plan to graduate in Spring 2013 and go to graduate school, but I don't know what topic. I am mostly interested in how sensory systems work and how they have evolved in different lineages based on their past history and environment. I have been working in the lab since high school on various projects, and I currently study the alligator auditory system. 


Allen Strickler PhD. MD.

Tagide deCarvalho PhD






Brandon Casper PhD






Katherine Chao

I am a general biology major and will graduate in May 2013. After graduation, I plan to attend graduate school, but I have not decided which topic to study as of yet. I study the lateral line in salamanders in the Soares lab.


Lauren Rose

I am a General Biology major and a member of the Class of 2013 at UMD. I want to go to grad school and specialize in Marine Biology, with a special interest in sharks. I eventually want to move to Hawaii and study tropical water sharks.

Katherine Rentas

I am a Neurobiology & Physiology major at University of Maryland and will graduate in May 2013. After graduating, I plan to receive my PhD in marine biology with a focus in neuroscience. Some of my interests of study include animal behavior, bioluminescence, and the electrosensory systems of sharks. I am currently working on the histology of the lanternfish in the Soares lab.

Alexa Scott-Johnson

I am a Physiology and Neurobiology major planning to graduate in spring 2013.  I am studying the function of cannabinoid receptors in cave fish.  After graduation from UMD, I hope to attend medical school.  I have two children that are actually cats.




Amr Bayomi

I am a Neurology and Physiology major at UMCP. I plan to graduate in spring of 2012 and spend a year doing research in the field of Immunology and gene tagging before attending medical school. I am interested in learning more about how our sleep and sensory systems communicate and how we can take advantage of our advanced neural systems through various mediums to be able to better treat sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Adina Schwartz

I recently graduated from UMD in December 2011 as a Physiology and Neurobiology major. I worked in this lab as an undergraduate for almost two years and am happy to continue working here now as the lab manager. I have worked on several behavioral projects that focus on the evolution of the lateral line. Next year, I am sad to leave this lab family behind, but am excited to begin medical school.

Zachary Lounsberry